Pontedeume, Galicia (Spain)

Se pretende crear un espacio adecuado para el inicio de los estudios de los más pequeños (de 0 a 3 años), en un paraje muy adecuado, debido a que se ubica en una plaza de una zona tranquila de la ciudad, apartado de los grandes tráficos rodados, pero que precisa de una cierta regeneración de su mobiliario y sus construcciones adyacentes, algunas caídas en el abandono.
Se plantea un volumen en el que se juega mucho con la geometría de las cubiertas, que pretende establecer una jerarquía entre espacios de alumnos y de profesores, para un mayor control de los mismos. La estética del proyecto viene determinada por la ubicación del mismo (juego de cubiertas)y por supuesto tambien de los usuarios (niños) y la intención de crear para ellos un espacio, divertido y ameno.
The main idea in this project is to create an appropiate area to kids (0-3years old). The nursery is located in a quiettown spuare, far from the high-traffic. However, this square needs a refurbishment, because some of the buildings are abandoned.
It is proposed a volume with a complex geometry roofing to establish an order between kids and teachers areas. In that way, they can be controlled better.

ci01. Gravel layer (10mm<diameter<30mm) H: 15cm
ci02. High density polyethylene nodule sheet with polypropylene geotextile sheet incorporated type Sika
ci03. Elastomeric coating
ci04. Drainaje tube diam200mm. High density polypropylene setted on cement mortar layer, slotted and flexible, wrapped with polypropylene geotextile sheet 200gr/m2
ci05. Concrete layer HM-20. H:10cm
ci06. Gravel layer (10mm<diameter<30mm) H: 15cm
ci07. Caviti system_ no recoverable formworks for ventilated screed with chambers
ci08. HA-25 concrete strip footing with B500s steel reinforcements.
e01. reinforced concrete semi-resistant joist and expanded polystyrene filler blocks slab. space between joists 60cm.
e02. HA-35 concrete wall reinforced with B500s steel bars. e=25-30cm.
e03. Bearing wall formed from lightweight clay blocks R10(300x288x190) mortar M-10 1:1:3 e=1,5cm.
e04. lintel formed from lightweight clay special parts 20x29x19cm
c01. Phenolic ventilated façade system with hidden anchorage.
c02. phenolic planks
c03. Acoustic and thermal insulation. Rockwool panels e=10mm, density=30kg/m3
cu01. Standing seam zinc roofing 50mm
cu02. Acoustic and thermal insulation. Rockwool panels e=10mm.
cu03. vapor stop membrane type kraft paper
cu04. pvc waterproof layer
cu05. planking
cu06. High density polyethylene nodule sheet
cu07. Zinc gutter
ca01. Thermal break steel window, double glazing type CLIMALIT 5+5/12/6. cámara de aire 12mm.
p01. Maple laminate flooring. Glossy varnish
p02. Natural rubber mat e=10cm, d=30kg/m³, canvas cover in several colours.
p03. galvanized steel bar e=0,6mm supporting a double pasteboard panelling type Pladur-foc e=15+15mm.
p04. plastic coating in several colours
p05. white monofired tiling. Tiles dimensions 10x10cm.
p06. Pasteboard panelling reinforced with fiberglass grid, hung by steel cable. Painted with plastic coating.